Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war - Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)
We live in a world where selfishness, thirst for power and conflicts emerge on a daily basis and peace is a universal dream we all hope to achieve one day.
Various stakeholders have come up with many possible solutions and ways to bring the world together and to establish peace among nations, and among people.
United Nations in its devotion to achieve World Peace, created International Day of Peace which is celebrated on 21st September annually to commemorate and spread the ideals of peace among all nations and people. As an organization that worked for decades in support of a peaceful world for the young generation, World Assembly of Youth (WAY) has been contributing by defending youth rights.
In light with that, the theme for this International Day of Peace,Education for Peace has drawn a lot of attention from WAY because we believe education is a key to a bright future and can open many doors for young people. Through education, the concepts of solidarity, mutual respect and tolerance can be embroidered in the hearts of youth and with these qualities, a ground for peace can easily be set.
In addition, we also believe that instillation of peace-based values should start from an early age. It is believed that through children, peace can be attained. Albert Einstein shares these same sentiments as he once stated,we must begin to inoculate our children against militarism by educating them...I would rather teach peace than war, love rather than hate.
WAY would like to embrace the International Day of Peace by reiterating our mission of implanting the peace-culture amongst our youth. We believe it is necessary to include peace-education in formal academic-curriculum; it can also be initiated as early as possible from the home front. Parents are advised to construct a sound atmosphere where children can clearly feel and learn the value of tolerance and mutual respects not only towards family-members but also to the general members of society. Parents should also be their children's role models by embracing and practicing a peace-culture in their daily lives.
We encourage young people to show their contribution by setting examples for their peers on how to properly apply the values of tolerance and mutual respect in creating the perfect peace that our world and its population are craving for. We believe that one's single smile is capable of turning others entire day brighter; now, imagine what respect and tolerance can do for our world!