Mother earth has provided us for billions of years with comfort and prolific space to live in. Considering the multitude of beauty and benefits rendered to us, it is distressing to know the current contribution that the society is almost nothing in repayment. Instead, we were and continue to be agents to many challenges by engaging in pollution, deforestation and other forms of degradation. We all need to ask ourselves a question, “How far can SHE endure?”
In light of the current environment situation, for this year’s Earth Day, we at the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) are observing the carefully selected theme “The Face of Climate Change” which aims to highlight the devastating impact that we face nowadays. We strongly believe the time has come to call to an end, all actions which demean and ruin our mother earth, our future. We should seize playing the blame game and unite to take responsibility by increasing efforts of raising awareness; taking initiative by promoting environmental preservation; and rectifying the wrongs of our ancestors by shaping the minds of the next generations.
Over the years, we have vested our efforts towards integrating and implementing several programs, principles and policies related to environment towards achieving a sustainable development. Our efforts and aspirations have been guided by our second and third Millennium Plan of Actions. It is of grave importance to create a sense of responsibility, for current and future generations, to enjoy sufficient resources, while generating a new social contract that places the planet at its center.
Hence, we urge youth and youth leaders worldwide to build their sense of optimism and efforts towards transitioning communities rapidly to become sustainable societies of responsible governance. We believe that with the support of an engaged people, these sustainable societies will be able to assure the elimination of relevant issues related to climate change.
Several frameworks have been created through various world class initiatives and now it is time for us to join and continue the exertion of such lay outs as keepers of mother earth. For change to take place urgently, it has to start somewhere and by someone. We are empowered people therefore we should commit to take daily action towards environment conservation and preservation, as it will be cherished by current and future generations.
We owe a great deal to mother earth; for every bright and beautiful day, every intake of breath, and every fruit and vegetable she produces for us. We call for all the youth and youth leaders around the world to be involved in implementing the existing frameworks to curb human-caused climate change well within manageable dimensions; you are the future safe keepers of the earth!