We came from different backgrounds, from different parts of Africa, but all with one goal - to change the continent, to improve our society, and for our voices to be heard! We are the restless youth.
I was delighted to be chosen as a youth communicator at the above event by Restless Development, a youth based agency in the United Kingdom. It was an eye-opening
experience in which I met 15 dynamic youth delegates and 3
youth communicators, all with our own stories on how we strived to
be heard in
our respective society, all passionate about Youth development, all
working in our own little space to create the change needed.
Prior to the Forum a training session was held on why we were here, the
problems we faced in our countries and what we hoped to achieve at the Forum. The theme of the event: African Youth- fulfilling the potential, focussed on the three main challenges to the economic and social development
of Africa's youth - Education, Employment and Civil
participation. After deliberation we came up with a
summary of what we wanted in the near future for African Youth - Youth empowerment, entrepreneurship development, quality and quantitative education and Youth
participation in governance. We were of one voice, that youth be part and parcel of the decision-making policies meant for youths.
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation award/Forum was attended by over four hundred high profile guests from civil society, government,
business enterprises and multi-lateral institutions from across Africa. It was
also an avenue to bestow honour on Archbishop Desmond Tutu for
"speaking truth to power". Lots of programmes were lined up to discuss how
African Youth can fulfill their potential.
The first programme, an Intergenerational Dialogue connecting the
TUTU fellows, elders and youth, was on how Youth can be involved in governance in Africa,
ensuring Gender equality in youth leadership, on how education systems contribute
to developing youth leadership, and on how elders can support transitions and cultural
shifts in society and the role of the state, civil society and media. The Elders believe that African Youth have potential but they have to develop themselves as "Self confidence comes
with the
opportunity of
expressing yourself". The Tutu Fellows asked what
development can African Youth offer? James Mwangi said that the challenge is on youth
to determine what they want, find the space and strive
for excellence. Ibrahim Niang of The Youth was of the opinion that we need to visit our school programmes in
Africa. The key problem is that we don't know the model of personality we want
to build. Isaac Mwapipo
said that the young should be perceived as core players in governance and that power
and decision-making resides in the youth. We all agreed that the 'Elders,
youth, and the media are important tools in developing Africa and we must look for
ways to harness them together.'
The next programme was panel discussions on the event theme, divided into three
sessions to cover the three core elements. The former President of Nigeria, President Olusegun Obasanjo, introduced the first
Panel session saying that African Youth should not be seen as liabilities but assets to the
continent. He said that in his own generation they had opportunities but no
facilities but in this generation, we have facilities but no opportunities
thus, African Youth should look for ways to create these opportunities by
making good use of the facilities that they have.
The second panel session on Ensuring African Youth competitiveness developing the right skills and providing adequate tools was headed by Central Bank of Nigeria Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. He said 'there are many economic opportunities in Africa but they are hindered by corruption.' The consensus among the panellists was that African Governments should unite and create employment by developing their own continent instead of exporting and importing to western countries. Also that, when the government listen to the youth, they can be mobilized for peace, stability & economic growth of the continent.
The Final panel session, 'Acquiring Social and Political Responsibility', headed by former President of
Botswana Festus Mogae, we
agreed that Youth should hold government more accountable.....even more
so, that youth should take part in active governance and
development and take the revolution to the street.
African Leaders are aware of the problems facing African Youth - according to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 'young people should never
stop dreaming because they are the Hope of Africa.' In addition, Mo Ibrahim said
that Africa has gone through a lot of challenges but we are still standing
strong and the youth have to stand up for themselves and not wait for the
government. We should identify
the potential Labour market as a youth BY creating one. The Prime
Minister of Senegal, Abdoul Mbaye, said that the future of the continent is
tantamount to the future of the youth.
At the end of the forum my horizon has being broadened and I see
myself as a person who must not be
limited by background and society. I see that African youth are great and we
can create a world we want if we define our goals and work in unity to achieve them. We need innovative, risk
taking young leaders who can start the change in their own little space.
what are you doing to change your society? Are you a liability or an asset to this generation?

Youths were represented from Morocco (Iman Benjelloun), Tunisia (Fedi Bahri), Egypt (Hend Sallam), South Sudan(James Ochan), Ghana (Lily Mensah), the Gambia(Kaddijatuo Manneh), Tanzania (Adam
Abraham), Uganda (Joel Bamwise), Ethiopia (Yeabisra Bogale),DRC (Prince Wilondja), Cameroun (Zoneziwoh Mbonduglo), South Africa (Aviwe Motsoane), Zambia (Christabel
Machila and Isaac Mwaipopo), Zimbabwe (Mthulisi Moyo), Kenya(Alfred Mdumo), Also, part of the
youth delegate were two disable people, Fedi and James from
Africa Youth With Disabilities Network(AYWDN).